Character display LED board Shoulder warning light Warning lightbar
KUKJAE INDUSTRY CO.,LTD About US the KUKJAE INDUSTRY manufactures, supplies, and sells special warning light bars, searchlights, display boards, special purpose vehicles, siren amplifiers, radios, wireless devices, communication systems, and antennas. Under the goals of product quality and customer service, all employees are working together to improve quality, reduce cost, and realize zero customer complaints. We try to make products and services trusted by customers, with passion and initiative. We'll do our best to get closer to our customers in the future. With constant guidance and support, please join KUKJAE INDUSTRY Co., Ltd. Thank you. Warning light bar ARROW LED BOARD Siren amplifier Special purpose vehicle Searchlight Radios Wireless repeater
police Fire Ambulance tow truck security road works bodyguard ministry of national depense

Leading company in the Korean safety equipment industry.

Main Products

Arrow LED boards The LED boards in the KUKJAE INDUSTRY are our best sellers, convenient and secure, adopting innovative technologies.
Warning Shoulder Light Awesome personal safety device. It will keep me safer while working at dust.
Warning Lightbar The warning lights of KUKJAE INDUSTRY, which won the Grand Prize in Korea's Best Brand Evaluation in 2020
Directional Speaker The KJG07HD Multifunction Directional Speaker is especially optimized for the use of long-distance broadcasting, such as police, maritime police, military, special organizations and government special forces.
KUKJAE INDUSTRY Rolling banner KUKJAE INDUSTRY Rolling banner
Awards & Certificates

Company Introduction

The KUKJAE INDUSTRY manufactures, supplies, and sells special warning light bars, searchlights, display boards, special purpose vehicles, siren ampli¬fiers, radios, wireless devices, communication systems, and antennas. Under the goals of product quality and customer service, all employees are working together to improve quality, reduce cost, and realize zero customer complaints. We try to make products and services trusted by customers, with passion and initiative. We'll do our best to get closer to our customers in the future. With constant guidance and support, please join KUKJAE INDUSTRY Co., Ltd. Thank you.
  • Response Level
      51% ~ 70%
  • Supplier Level
      1~5 billion (KRW)
  • Transaction Level
      less than 5